Adventures with Facebook

This past month, Sloan and I have ventured into the world of Facebook. We have had accounts for several years, but have just recently jumped on the boat with making it a regular part of our routine. Although we are still figuring it out, it has really been a motivating activity for Sloan's writing progress, and for him to express himself independently. Every morning we discuss what is happening for the day, and he decides on what he wants to write about. As he eats breakfast, he composes the sentence on his computer's keyboard. Sloan works very hard to write and it is very exciting to see him learn and grow everyday. Our experience so far with Facebook has been great. Sloan has been able to connect better with some of his Reality Ministries friends, keep up to date on all the happenings with the local music scene, keep in touch with his favorite Chris Hendricks Band, and share this blog with others. Social Networking indeed! So send him a Friend Request!


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