NC Gay Pride Parade 2010

On Saturday, September 26th, Durham hosted the annual NC Gay Pride Parade. Sloan was asked by Eric to help him out with the Ben and Jerry's booth, and despite the heat, we were happy to oblige. (Gotta bring home the ice cream!) Sloan helped hand out coupons to the many thousands of people gathering. We met a new friend named Amy dressed up as a cow with a Ben and Jerry's shirt on, who was very cute. Sloan and I decided to take a break and check out the parade since it had not started yet, and as we were walking towards the street, we ran into Amy again. They had put Amy and her friend Bonnie at the head of the parade, and they invited us to join them. Amy shared her huge rainbow flag, and we mounted it on Sloan's chair. The anticipation was exciting, hearing the crowd cheering, and the very impressive motorcycle escort rev up their bikes to lead everyone out. With the motorcycles deployed and a line of flag bearers, there was Sloan flying his flag and cheering, LEADING the Gay Pride Parade!!! Sloan always has an uncanny ability to be in the right place at the right time, and for knowing the right people! Just another day in Sloan's World! It was a glorious experience. We are very proud to live in this community, and we are proud of and love Aunt Maxine, Aunt Alda, and Uncle Cary! For more pictures, check them out here.


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