Sloan is The Walrus

It has been absolute Beatles Mania around here since Christmas. Rock Band Beatles is in danger of wearing out already, and Sloan's friends have been more than willing to help him out with this habit. Courtesy of Jen, we all went to another show at the Cat's Cradle to see a Beatles cover band called Abbey Road LIVE!. They were AWESOME! It was a really fun show, and of course, Sloan got to meet one of the singers and guitar players. (George?)

The Beatles game has also been a lot of fun for party purposes. It was a big hit at the Rock Star party.(More on that later.) One night, Jen and Sloan invited some friends from UNC over to play after some pizza at CiCi's. It was rockin'! Sloan was a very good "Paul"-like frontman. Thanks Jen, Easha, Lauren, Geo, Dorothy, and Ben!

And, Ladies and Gentleman, introducing the one-of-kind original "Sloat." (The Sloan Coat) Noah employed his handy dandy creative skills and took a very cool coat, and adapted it to fit Sloan perfectly. To top off an already awesome present, he added 4 retro Beatles buttons. Sloan definitely seems to be sporting a John Lennon look with this one.

Another present from Jen were a ton of Beatles tunes Sloan can listen to when not playing Rock Band, and a very cool Casio keyboard. Sloan is a very dedicated and professional musician; practicing a few hours each day. If he does get to a point where he is willingly finished, he has a Piano page on his computer where he can say "I am done for the moment, and as Ringo Star said "I got blisters on my fingers!""

We are the Eggmen. Sloan is the Walrus! It all makes sense now. :-)


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