Many Thanks and Blessings

It has been a while since our last post! So much has happened. The holiday season was a whirlwind of joy and exciting happenings. It might take me a while to catch everyone up.

Thanksgiving! Sloan was in Mississippi for Thanksgiving with his Grandma, Aunt Linda (Bubby), Aunt Max and Aunt Alda from Houston, and Aunt Joey and Uncle Dan from Missouri. Sloan's mom and I travelled with him, so it was a full house. Sloan ate constantly, and Grandma obliged by supplying him with all the good food she could whip up. (and that is saying something!) Grandma was very proud to have Sloan with her at church. He got an epic Opera lesson from Joey and Dan. (Both professional singers and music professors at the University of Missouri.) Aunt Max got a crash course in Wii technology. Sloan also got to meet his "cousin" Nina, and Alda helped him have a conversation with some of her family and friends in Brazil over the computer. "Beju!" And no trip to Mississippi is complete without Bubby's famous spa treatments, her shopping trips, her fun stories, and just all around "Bubbyness."

On December 12th, Sloan ran the Reality Race 5K to help raise funds for Reality Ministries. Cameron was out of commission recovering from foot surgery, but a TNL Buddy named Sam helped Sloan out. It was a tough run through lots of mud and uphill, but the guys finished brilliantly! Thanks Sam!

Sloan had a big blowout TNL Christmas party at the Reality Center to end the year with Reality Ministries. The energy in the room was electric with all the singing!

For Sloan's Common Ground Self-Advocate's group, they met at a nursing home and sang Christmas Carols while walking down the halls so all the residents could enjoy it. It was very special, and the gang went to Elmo's in Durham afterwards for a fun Christmas celebration.

Sloan and I have so many new friends, most that have entered our lives only this year, that we wanted to thank and celebrate. At Sloan's Special Friend Christmas party we shared a meal together, read a Christmas tale, learned about Chanukah, and sang Christmas carols. Thank you so much Jen, Noah, Chip, Janie, Sharon, Sasha, Samantha, John Jay and Cameron for all the things you do that make our lives richer!

Sloan's Voices Together group had their annual Christmas performance in Raleigh, and Sloan sang his heart out! He introduced his group's Christmas carols using his computer and telling the audience what Christmas means to him. He led the finale song with a combined three groups, and did an awesome job!

Then Christmas began. And since Sloan usually travels, and his birthday is on the 28th, he begins celebrating and opening presents at least a week before. Daddy surprised Sloan with Rock Band Beatles for the Wii, with drum kit, guitars and additional microphones included! Goo Goo Gjoob. New Wii games were definitely a theme for Sloan this year. He had his own Christmas date with Janie, and a dinner party with Mommy and Random. Then it was off to Mississippi again!

Sloan turned 22 after Christmas. He also travelled to Arkansas to visit his new Grandpa Bill, and then to Memphis for a visit with Uncle Clay and Aunt Francis. Do you think Sloan was about to just pass out after all that traveling? No way. SNUGGIE!!!! (a gift from Ricky and Flo.)
So Happy New Year everyone! We hope yours is as exciting and action-packed as Sloan's!


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