Call For Poetry!

Hear ye, Hear ye! Sloan has become very interested (and a little obsessed) in poetry lately. He is building up a nice collection on his computer, and tears through them as soon as they get entered. Sloan is discovering what kinds of poetry he likes, and we thought it might help him if he knew what kinds of poetry his friends and family like to read.

If you have a favorite poem, a favorite poet or write your own, please share it with Sloan!! You can email it or post it as a comment here. Also, this is a good resource for finding specific poems that can easily be printed out- Poem Hunter. If you find something, share a link! Thank you! We will all see how this develops...


  1. I love Alice Walker and she has put out a ton of material, including several poetry books. I grew up reading Shel Silverstein and his poems still make me laugh, especially the ones in Where The Sidewalk Ends.


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